Robotics MFG
Construction/ demolition contractor group
Waste management
Robotics repair company
Criminal investigation agency
Consumables company
Fast-food franchise
Industrial grade fuels/ liquids/ solvents MFG
Specialty vehicle parts & components
Pharmaceutical corperation
Alcoholic beverage enterprise
Local shipping services
International/ global cargo distribution
Editorial/ pop-culture magazine
Pharmaceutical corperation
Independent service agency/ Pharmaceutical
Local broadcast network
Boarding school
Non-government agency
Dairy processing company
Uniforms/ garments MFG
Collectors cards/ board game/ RPG
Printing/ publishing house
Cultural movement/ pseudo cult
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Loop-wheel hooded sweatshirt
Loop-wheel sweatshirt
Education program
Soft vinyl figurine
Soft vinyl figurine
Loop-wheel tee-shirt
Soft vinyl figurine
Employee shirt
Soft vinyl figurine
Employee hat
Product authenticity protocol
Buff Boy; the block head of the bunch. An uncultivated clodhopper. Inherently unzipped but devilishly handsome with his well endowed intentions. Buff Boy embodies a selfless charisma.To a fault, Buff boy will inherently; foolishly risk his own life due to his unwavering loyalty to his friends and family.
Buff Boy’s expertise is more easily visualized as a bloody knuckle sandwich filled to the tits with an accoutrement of quasi-bar brawl hooligan; semi gang banger slum-lord brawler techniques all wrapped up tight with jaguar-like sex appeal and a fertile crotch. Some of these techniques are including but not limited to: molotov robot fuel cocktails, turbo grease bombs, home made extremely lethal maces, sling shots, smoke diversions, booby traps etc. Primitive stuff [highly useful in a pinch].
Buffy Boy is currently and always has been working as a general repair and maintenance associate at OK REPAIR®.