Robotics MFG
Construction/ demolition contractor group
Waste management
Robotics repair company
Criminal investigation agency
Consumables company
Fast-food franchise
Industrial grade fuels/ liquids/ solvents MFG
Specialty vehicle parts & components
Pharmaceutical corperation
Alcoholic beverage enterprise
Local shipping services
International/ global cargo distribution
Editorial/ pop-culture magazine
Pharmaceutical corperation
Independent service agency/ Pharmaceutical
Local broadcast network
Boarding school
Non-government agency
Dairy processing company
Uniforms/ garments MFG
Collectors cards/ board game/ RPG
Printing/ publishing house
Cultural movement/ pseudo cult
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Loop-wheel hooded sweatshirt
Loop-wheel sweatshirt
Education program
Soft vinyl figurine
Soft vinyl figurine
Loop-wheel tee-shirt
Soft vinyl figurine
Employee shirt
Soft vinyl figurine
Employee hat
Product authenticity protocol
YASUKO ROBOT FUEL (formerly The TOKY-LAND® Petroleum FUEL Company T.P.F.C. stylised as T.P.F.C.®) is an oil and gas conglomerate headquartered in Toky-Land with est. 19,000 offshore fracking site. It is one of the world’s largest companies measured by a revenues and profits scale.[4] It is a vertically integrated company operating in all areas of the oil and gas industry, including jet fuel, robotics fuel, robotics oil and sexual lubricants. Further more Yasuko® Robot Fuel is established in mineral extraction, refining, distribution and advertisement of commodity, multi planetary travel and asteroid mining.
Yasuko® Robot Fuel has one of the worst safety protocol records of any major company operating within Toky-Land including the outer territories. Ever since Otaku Yamato has acquired a controlling interest of Yasuko® Robot Fuel at (50.0025%), Yasuko® Robot Fuel has continued to accumulate several pending violations and is now black-listed under “complete and total seizure to operate” cited by OK INSPECTOR™; CERTIFIED INSPECTION GROUP LLC. Specifically with the specialty fuel formulation used for the T.G.P.® Shipping and Logistics freighters. Yasuko® Robot Fuel denied all accountablitiy to these claims due to “lack of evidance”. Although data suggests that the Corrosive values of their specialty freighter fuel is prone to promote mechanical malfunctioning and lead to rapid deterioration of ship fuel processing mechanics. The deterioration results in release of over 530,000 gallons (est. 2,006,000 L) of adulterated discharged fuel, and corroded mechanical particulates per every 700km of freighter travel. Yasuko® Robot Fuel at an attempt to mitigate the situation developed high absorbency pellets at the spherical diameter of (.09cm per unit) and sprayed these pellets into vast portions of the affected areas. Use case shows varied results, including; pellet disintegration/ clumping and then hardening, forming large jagged crusted floating land masses similar to dense volcanic rock in conjunction with poisonous leeching fumes, These masses make freighter transport to be even more hazardous. Revised pellets were initiated and projected into the ocean which had an adverse chemical reaction to the oil, causing the oily contaminated water to boil. The boiling water dispersed microscopic oil bubbles to accumulate into the atmosphere eventually turning into corrosive oil clouds. These oil clouds will slowly cross pollinate with larger cloud masses until density reaches maximum load capacity at roughly (20.5 million kg/M) and pour down a highly toxic amalgamation of oil and particulates that are known to cause severe rash, skin burn, partial to total blindness.
In recent data/ source samples, OK INSPECTOR™; CERTIFIED INSPECTION GROUP LLC concluded that a whopping 83% of total water pollution rating the purest water on the globe to be .02% contaminated with Yasuko® Robot Fuel. Yasuko® Robot Fuel alone is responsible for 18-73% of all human safe water contamination, improper disposal of crude oil into rivers and Toky-Land sewage network (27%), The use of Yasuko® Robot Fuel in consumables (19%), total ground and soil contamination (22%), The leaked refinery fuel smoke included 17,000 pounds per cubic pressurized meter (778,700,000 kg_ppm), general mishandling (94%), atmospheric fall-out (42%), among others.[34][38] OK INSPECTOR™; CERTIFIED INSPECTION GROUP LLC declares that these numbers are merely upon initial inspection and suspect that the actual numerical values far exceed this data.
Yasuko® Robot Fuel is cited by OK INSPECTOR™; CERTIFIED INSPECTION GROUP LLC for the release and integration of robotic lubricant into Toky-Land “purified” drinking water network. The unlawful release of robotic lubricant is in direct correlation to prevent the weight gain epidemic in Toky-Land. Ok inspector has conspired that this lubricant was initiated as a bandaid solution to harmfully lubricate the digestive tract of citizens to reduce the root cause of obesity through consumption of newly released H.F.s’® Dead-Guppys product.
Butch Daphne
Otaku Yamato
Dr. Archibald Mars
T.G.P.® Enterprise
Yasuko Robotics LLC