Robotics MFG
Construction/ demolition contractor group
Waste management
Robotics repair company
Criminal investigation agency
Consumables company
Fast-food franchise
Industrial grade fuels/ liquids/ solvents MFG
Specialty vehicle parts & components
Pharmaceutical corperation
Alcoholic beverage enterprise
Local shipping services
International/ global cargo distribution
Editorial/ pop-culture magazine
Pharmaceutical corperation
Independent service agency/ Pharmaceutical
Local broadcast network
Boarding school
Non-government agency
Dairy processing company
Uniforms/ garments MFG
Collectors cards/ board game/ RPG
Printing/ publishing house
Cultural movement/ pseudo cult
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Loop-wheel hooded sweatshirt
Loop-wheel sweatshirt
Education program
Soft vinyl figurine
Soft vinyl figurine
Loop-wheel tee-shirt
Soft vinyl figurine
Employee shirt
Soft vinyl figurine
Employee hat
Product authenticity protocol
The official goal of the S.A.C.P., is to assist in fostering a promising future for the abandoned and orphan children and young adults within Toky-Land. Providing a boarding school-like approach starting with rigorous table side manner skills, engineering, robotics, t.g.p.® field work, such as education, health, pharmaceutical research and so on.
As of recent, T.G.P.® Enterprise rewrote the curriculum to the S.A.C.P. and has shown a dramatic decrease in graduate rate and tardiness, specifically within the transfer group of students who were initially in the previous iteration of S.A.C.P. which was managed by Help-You™ Corps. These students in particular show signs of bi-spectrum polarity, general malaise and gooeyness of the brain.
Upon completion of the S.A.C.P., graduates recieve a non-transferrable Toky-Land citizenship Identification card [impossible to escape to the outer territories without being smuggled], proper certification documents depending on field of study and free/ subsidized housing in the S.A.C.P. cell blocks within Toky-Land inner-city proper. New graduates are promptly urged into the work-force, creating a never ending supply of new hires for T.G.P.® Enterprise and its subsidiaries.
The S.A.C.P. cell blocks are where inhabitants can find the true embodiment of Toky-Land culture. Every occupant of the cell block being qualified or semi-qualified to some degree in pharmacology, robotics and engineering, various sciences etc. Birthed a honeyhole of bespoke technology, robotics and experimental medicines. T.G.P.® Enterprise naturally as the main and only place to smuggle resources for experimental manufacturing has made the S.A.C.P. cell blocks a thriving mad house of black market activity.
P.F. Henry
T.G.P.® Enterprise