Robotics MFG
Construction/ demolition contractor group
Waste management
Robotics repair company
Criminal investigation agency
Consumables company
Fast-food franchise
Industrial grade fuels/ liquids/ solvents MFG
Specialty vehicle parts & components
Pharmaceutical corperation
Alcoholic beverage enterprise
Local shipping services
International/ global cargo distribution
Editorial/ pop-culture magazine
Pharmaceutical corperation
Independent service agency/ Pharmaceutical
Local broadcast network
Boarding school
Non-government agency
Dairy processing company
Uniforms/ garments MFG
Collectors cards/ board game/ RPG
Printing/ publishing house
Cultural movement/ pseudo cult
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Loop-wheel hooded sweatshirt
Loop-wheel sweatshirt
Education program
Soft vinyl figurine
Soft vinyl figurine
Loop-wheel tee-shirt
Soft vinyl figurine
Employee shirt
Soft vinyl figurine
Employee hat
Product authenticity protocol
T.G.P.® TELEVISION (originally a Toky-Land Broadcast Network Company), is owned by T.G.P.® Enterprise operating within a sub-division of OK INSPECTOR™; CERTIFIED INSPECTION GROUP LLC.[1] It carries a variety of programming, with a focus on factory updates, local weather, advisories on factory and workplace disasters, revised mandates and safety protocol along with weekly wrestling events, Minor league baseball, and late night erotic television. T.G.P.® TELEVISION viewership is on a steady decline since the the latest inception of repurposing Yasuko Robotics LLC components such as microchips and processors into a standard television set; creating an un-tethered; off grid viewing machine. These specialized devices allow access to CCTV, pirate broadcasting, and as of recent has become a direct point of access to A.B.T.M.S.’® propaganda. These modified televisions are referred to as Yasuko T.V. sets
Yasuko T.V. sets are banned in Toky-Land. Because duplication, falsifying, altering or adulterating any T.G.P.® Enterprise product is punishable to the highest extent; Participation in the viewership or ownership of [a] Yasuko T.V. is absolutely dangerous and ridiculously illegal. Yasuko T.V. viewers and or participants in the A.B.T.M.S.’® attempting to hide their behavior; or even perceived suspicious under the guise of OK INSPECTOR™; CERTIFIED INSPECTION GROUP LLC or any affiliated regulatory authority will be met with to the fullest extent of the law.
Butch Daphne
Otaku Yamato
T.G.P.® Enterprise
Yasuko Robotics LLC