Robotics MFG
Construction/ demolition contractor group
Waste management
Robotics repair company
Criminal investigation agency
Consumables company
Fast-food franchise
Industrial grade fuels/ liquids/ solvents MFG
Specialty vehicle parts & components
Pharmaceutical corperation
Alcoholic beverage enterprise
Local shipping services
International/ global cargo distribution
Editorial/ pop-culture magazine
Pharmaceutical corperation
Independent service agency/ Pharmaceutical
Local broadcast network
Boarding school
Non-government agency
Dairy processing company
Uniforms/ garments MFG
Collectors cards/ board game/ RPG
Printing/ publishing house
Cultural movement/ pseudo cult
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Character profile
Loop-wheel hooded sweatshirt
Loop-wheel sweatshirt
Education program
Soft vinyl figurine
Soft vinyl figurine
Loop-wheel tee-shirt
Soft vinyl figurine
Employee shirt
Soft vinyl figurine
Employee hat
Product authenticity protocol
H.F.s’® DEAD-GUPPYS, simply known as H.F.s’®, is a food processing company founded by Otaku Yamato and Dr. Archibald Mars; Yamato Mars CO., LTD. The company originally focused on the canning and selling of genetically mutated guppys. By the end of the third quarter H.F.s’® DEAD-GUPPYS popularity reached an all time high. Due to the reported seemingly addictive and delectible qualities texture and flavor profile of the genetically mutated guppys, H.F.’s® began offering a wider range of packaged and canned foods; cubed beef gelatin, beer battered hot links, block-meat, chum pudding, and medicinal sprinkle toppings at various doses. H.F.’s® DEAD-GUPPYS sister company TOUGH-KITTY DINER 24HRS now proudly has exclusive usage and sales rights to the original formulation and recipe to the genetically mutated guppy.
H.F.s’® DEAD-GUPPYS is currently under investigation by OK INSPECTOR™ and is in the litigation process over releases of and wrongful disposal of H.F.s’® spoiled by-products and curdled processing chum (CPC, also known as YR® bio-fuel#01) from their incubation vats in the main H.F.s’® processing facility[108] CPC contaminated sludge/ water spread and leaked into the underground steam and gas shafts sprawling across the Toky-Land inner-city proper grid and led to microbial aerosol formulations to disperse and enter residents respiratory tracts. levels of the compound in the bodies reached astronomical levels of residents who lived in the surrounding area of the H.F.s’® processing facility. Finger pointing led to false accusations of this incident leading to the origins of the P.I.F.S. An OK INSPECTOR™ registered court-appointed science Panel is taking swab samples and gathering data in regards to these claims.[109]
Otaku Yamato
Dr. Archibald Mars
T.G.P.® Enterprise
Yasuko® Robot Fuel